The main project for 2020/2021 is the development of a survey  based on the youth’s passion for falconry. The survey was realized in cooperation with the “New York University” in Abu Dhabi with the help of Dr. Anne-Lise Tropato who  created an academic interdisciplinary course for the cross-cultural exploration and analysis of falconry. This survey that is currently on line contain twenty questions which include personal experiences and feelings. We invite all youngs to fulfil the questionnaire and we hope to reach a statistic number that we can use to create a report.





The main goal for 2021 is the work on the next falconry festival that will be held in Abu Dhabi in October, hopefully this event will probably be the first “post Covid19”, so we will do our best to make this really unforgettable.

Here you may find the application form to attend the festival. 

One of the topic, as already discuss, is the realization of a documentary following the great success of the one we realized in 2018 in Bamberg. This film will be presented during the festival.

Here you may find the link to the video we realized for celebrate 50th IAF anniversary, we reach more than 50000 views.

Finally we are thinking about an on line meeting  to allow many young falconers to meet each others and have some lectures or just an informal discussion. Unfortunately in many  countries we have experimented the loneliness during the lockdown, this event can be useful to remind all people that they are not alone.