Archives of the best activities of the WFD by every year
Below you may find some content of the best WFD activities or posters which were undertaken in previous years and sent to IAF.
WFD 2020:
World Falconry Day Video – What does Falconry mean to me?
World Falconry Day Video – What does Falconry mean to me?
IAF, in collaboration with Emirates Falconers Club created a video showcasing what falconry means to members of the global falconry family across the world. Over 100 videos were received from all regions and are being processed into a longer video to demonstrate the passion for falconry that unites our community. This video shall be published for the International Falconry Festival in 2021, with a trailer showing some of these testimonials already published.
School Links Programme and IAF Falconry Education Program Activities for World Falconry Day: 
The School Links Program published two activities, the first of which called on young falconers between 4 and 18 to submit art work such as paintings and drawings with the best images being selected for an IAF 2021 Calendar.
The second competition called on young falconers to submit a 10-second video showing their culture and falconry with a happy world falconry day message.
Both activities were a great success and the results shall be published soon.
The IAF Falconry Education Program website was published in celebration of WFD and displays the work being undertaken by the IAF Education Working Group to promote and share falconry and raptor conservation educational resources.
World Falconry Day Celebrations around the World:
Falconers from all around the world celebrated the art of falconry despite covid-19 measures limiting traditional activities such as larger hunting meets. The resillience and passion of falconers manifested through the multitude of ways that falconers still came together to celebrate and share their passion. Pictures and content sent to IAF were posted in the IAF World Falconry Day Facebook page and many clubs also shared their activities via their own social media channels. IAF congratulates falconers around the world for their creativity and enthusiasm in celebrating this important day. World Falconry Day was initiated by IAF to celebrate the art of falconry and to commemorate the day on which it was inscribed on the representative list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity by UNESCO.
World Falconry Day in Latin America:The Education Comission of the IAF Latin America Working Group, in collaboration with the Asociasion Cetreros Argentinos held a well received series of presentations on many facets of falconry throughout the last few months. A special talk on preventative veterinary medicine and preventive care for raptors was held on the 20th of November in celebration of World Falconry Day and was attended by members of nearly all falconry clus in Latin America. The extensive disimination and critical acclaim from a number of falconry clubs in the region made this a particularly succesfull event and brought the community together. |
IAF Communications and PR Video for World Falconry Day:
The IAF Communications and PR Thematic Group created the following Video for World Falconry Day to celebrate the inscription of falconry on the representative list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity on the 16th November 2010. This was the culmination of over 6 years work by 11 nations.
The number of countries which have joined the submission of falconry as part of the intangible cultural heritage has grown since then to 18 countries with further countries preparing to add their submissions in the near future. Falconry has been the most successful element on the list of intangible cultural heritage elements because of the collaboration of so many nations and passionate individuals. In this, falconers demonstrate that our art builds bridges between different countries, languages and nationalities and between different generations by passing on this heritage art from one generation to the next and thus keeping it alive.
Video Credits: Alessandra Oliveto and Hilary White (Comm and PR TG) and Anderson Menara (Brazilian artist).
WFD 2019:
-In 2019, Activities related to World falconry across the world were posted in the IAF World Falconry Day Facebook group and shared across IAF related pages and groups as well as across social media sites associated with the wider falconry community. The Education Working Group asked for any posters to be sent to or The WFD logo may be used for any raptor conservation or falconry activity within this week, the use of the IAF logo must be authorized in each case upon the review of planned activities
We encouraged all falconers to do something falconry related for WFD, be this a hunting meet, an educational visit to a school or other community place, or another activity beneficial to our art and to raptor conservation.
We would also like to remind you that activities for WFD do not have to fall exactly on the 16th of November but may fall within a week of this date to be considered part of WFD.
IAF wishes all members of our international falconry family an amazing World Falconry Day!!!
2019 World Falconry Day Country Activities
Resource 1: IAF EWG Powerpoint on Falconry WFD 2019 (Graphics and document available as a PowerPoint upon request)
Resource 2: WFD kids coloring activity
Resource 3: WFD kids maze activity
Resource 4: WFD kids coloring activity 2
WFD 2019 Coordinators Introduction Document ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————-